Short Biography of Khaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) (2/2)

Arrival in India

The great Wallie of Allah Hazrat Gharib Nawaz (R.A) marched toward India, Along with his disciples (Mureds) armed with love of Allah and blessing of Nabi- Huzoor (S.A.W). He first reached Hearat from their he reached Sabzwar the ruler of sabzwar Shaik Mohammed Yadgar was very tyrant and of bad character, but when he came in contacted of this Wallie he was greatly ashamed of his past misdeed and pleaded with Gharib Nawaz (R.A) to show him the right way. Gharib Nawaz (R.A) was kind enough and show him the way which headed toward Allah later on this king left all the worldly pleasure and became the disciple of Hazart Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A). From Sabzwar, Gharib Nawaz (R.A) Reached Ghazni, and their GHARIB NAWAZ (R.A) meet with Sultan-ul-Mashaikh Syed Abdul Wahid (R.A). From their Hazrat Qutub-ul- Aqtab (R.A), Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtyar Kaki (R.A) Shaikhul-Mashaikh Hazart Mohammed Yadgar (R.A) and Syedus-Sadaat Harzart Khwaha Fakhruddin Gurdezi (my ancestors) accompanied Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) in his journey.
The caravan of saints of Allah was now on the border of India. Sky high mountains were in the way but the perfect determination of Khwaja Shaib (R.A) could not be deferred. With the name of Almighty, he stepped into mountains and after passing through the hills, valleys and other hindrances he arrived at the border area of Punjab. At that time, when Khwaja Sahib entered India, King Shahabuddin Ghauri was defeated by Prithviraj and his army retreated to Ghazni. people asked Khwaja Sahib (R.A) and his companions not to proceed further as the king of Muslims had been defeated. But all the Saints of the group said : “You were dependent on swords but we have faith in Almighty.” Thus the caravan reached at the bank of Ravi river after passing through Fort Shadman and Multan.
Across the Ravi was located Lahore the capital of Punjab and the high rise spires of temples were telling the tales of splendor of the city. They crossed river and stayed at the mazar of Hazart Ali Bin Usman Hijweri, known as Data Ganj Bakhsh (R.A) just out side city wall. Hazart Data Ganj Bakhsh (R.A) was one of the greatest saints of his time. So Khwaja Sahib (R.A) sat in Etekaaf and spiritually benefited himself and left. Leaving this place he recited the following verse :
“Ganj Bakhsh Faize-Alam Mazhar-e-Noor-e-Kuda Naquisan Ra Pir-e-Kamil, Kamilan Ra Rahnuma”
The extemporary composed verse” is a reflection of his real sentiments and so it became so popular that even nowadays, people recite it whole heartedly as a duty.
After leaving Lahore, Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) reached Samna (Patiala) and stayed there. Though apparently, people there were sympathetic but in reality they were enemy to him and wanted to harm him. and the mother of Prithviraj, King of Delhi and Ajmer was an astrologer and after having knowledge through her astrology, she informed her son about signs of a person who will be the cause of his destruction. In view of this prediction, the king asked the artists to sketch the person who resembled Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) and sent these sketches to all the border areas. He also ordered his men to kill the person resembling with sketch as and where found.
Thus when Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) reached Samna, King’s men seeing the resemblance, tried to stop him. But Khwaja Sahib (R.A) comprehended their inner feelings through Divine inspiration. So he along with his companions slipped from the hands of their enemies safely.

Arrival In Ajmer

On reaching Ajmer, Khwaja Sahib rested under the shadow of a tree. Immediately some camel drivers came there and asked him brutally to sit at any other place because that place was reserved for king’s camels. Khwaja Sahib said that they could make the camels sit at some other place. But camel drivers were adament and became violent then he said very politely.
” Lo, we leave the place and your camel may remain sit here.”
Saying this, he with his followers made his stay at a hill on the bank of Anna sager (lake in Ajmer). Next day, in spite of their best efforts the camel drivers could not be able to make their camels to stand. It seemed that earth had gripped them. They were very much surprised. At last they went to the court of king Prithviraj. When the king was narrated the entire incident, he was shocked. He was very proud of his bravery, but it could do nothing for him following the first miracle of Khwaja Sahib (R.A).So he ordered the camel- drivers to beg for a pardon from the Fakir. Accordingly they went to Khwaja Sahib and apologized with great respect and humbleness. He kindly said,” Go back and by the grace of God your camels will stand on their feet.”
On their return, when they saw that camels were standing, they were over-joyed. Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) and their companions used to take bath and performed ablution daily on the bank of Anna Sagar. One day, some of the followers were stopped by the King men for taking bath on the bank of the Anna Sagar and threatened them violently, The followers returned to Khwaja Sahib and informed him about the happening. He asked one of his followers to go and fill the water in a Kuza (eartern pot). When the follower dip the Kuza in the water it sucked the entire water of anna sagar .he brought back the kuza to Khaja Shahib (R.A) .when the king men came to know about this they were taken aback .the entire city was shocked and it was known to every body thet the muslim saint made the pond dry because the king men threatened the muslims at anna sagar at last a delegation of civilians came to him and requested him for pardon Khaja Shahib (R.A) was kind enough and he poured the water back in the pond and the pond was again filled up.
Seeing the miracle large number of people changed their faith to Islam and Islam gained spreading in Ajmer.

Speedy Preaching

Khwaja Sahib (R.A) accelerated the peace of his work of preaching of Islam . Allah had gifted him a very impressive personality and effective way of teaching and a heart full of sympathy, love for mankind and good manner that is why once a person came in touch with him developed great liking for him, people started coming in groups and accepting Islam, Hence thousand of people were enlighten with Islam two main person who accepted Islam diving this time were Shad doe and Ajay pal Jogi.
Shadi Deo was on learned men of that time and tried to face Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) but mere glimpse of this Wallie changed the heart and life of shadi deo and he fell on his feet and accepted Islam .he was name as Saad by Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (R.A). Ajay pal Jogi was a great Magician of that time he also tried his level best to harm Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) but all his efforts went in vein and in the end he accepted his defeat and asked Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) to take him into his shelter. Khawaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) accepted him and gave him the Name Abullah.
Thus we see that Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) had no armies and did not come to conquer any Indian territory but he conquered the heart of Indian. A grand spiritual victory that must stand high such a marvelous miracle it was the “WILL OF ALLAH” and “BLESSING” of NABI HUZOOR (S.A.W) to achieve such a unique victory a new approach Was necessary and was given by Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A). He did not come India with the object of political explotion or rule but his object was to deliver the simple message of peace, love and harmony and he totally succeeded in injecting it in the heart of Indians and his success was because of his own inherent spritual strength and the charactiestic qualities of Islam in spite of all bitter and might opposition.

Prediction Of Victory

King Shahabuddin Ghauri who was in Khurasan, dreamt an old Saint, saying : ” O Shahabuddin ! Almighty has granted you kingdom of India Get up and proceed towards India.” After it, the Saint disappeared. When the king awake, he was under a peculiar state of mind. The voice was still echoing in his ears, saying ‘ proceed towards India. Success will be yours’. The King informed his learned men. They congratulated the King and predicted his victory. GHAURI ON EXPEDITION TO INDIA King Shahabuddin Mohammed Ghauri was badly defeated by king Prithvi Raj one-year back in the field of Tara-en(Tradri) and with great difficulties, he could save himself and reached Ghazni.Since he wanted to defeat Prithvi Raj, he was preparing for a war secretly. But he did not expected to go for a battle against India after such a short span of time. The Dream created great enthusiasm in his heart and after prediction by the learned scholars he inspected the preparation and ordered his army to proceed on the expedition. On the eight day, he himself proceeded on the crusade. The army officers were very much surprised over the rush for the expedition. But nobody dared to enquire about it . When the army camped in Peshawar, an old man of royal family asked ” O king though the preparations are on large scale, but the intention is still secret?” The King took a deep breath and said. “You don’t know, what happened to me. Can you recall last year’s defeat that is a blot on my face, be sure that neither I havechanged my clothes nor I have taken rest on the bed. ” Hearing the king, the old man encouraged Shahabuddin Ghauri, prayed for his victory and said, If your lordship has the intention then act according to the need of the hour. Kindly call the Emirs and Chiefs to your court, grant them pardon and honour them, so that they could fight for you and may sacrifice their lives for you and wash the earlier defeat. The king liked the idea. So after reaching Multan, he called the court and granted a general pardon to all the Emirs and Chiefs. Then he addressed them” TO FIGHT FOR HIM”. Every chief swore to fight till last breath for the cause after putting their hand on swords.
A Decisive War : Shahabuddin took the advantage of the opportunity and he ordered for war in the evening, left the army camp as it is and after taking a long round of many miles crossed the river in the darkness of the night, and caught the enemy unaware. The emperor did not loose his senses and face the attack with a part of his army. Later the rest of his army also joined him.Rai Pithora’s army was comprised of three thousand elephants, three lakhs cavalry and a large number of swordsmen, while king Shahabuddin Ghauri had an army of one lakh twenty thousand soldiers. Since Rai Pithora was very sure about his victory, so he did not bother for an organized fight and ordered the entire army to charge against the enemy, On the contrary, King Shahabuddin, adopting war tactics, divided army into four parts under the command of four able generals and sent them to fight one after another. Rajput fought with great courage and bravery that disappointed the Sultan’s army. But he adopted another tactic. He lagged behind in an organized manner showing that he is defeated. Rajputs followed them in a disorganized manner. When the king saw the Rajputs disorganized, he attacked with his fresh army.
There was a fierce fight till noon. Raja Prithvi Raj came out of the warfield and stayed under the shadow of tree with his participating 150 chiefs. A final attack was decided. Everyone took an oath and came into warfield. Raja’s army was tired as it was fighting since morning. The Sultan sensed the opportunity. He launched a very strong attack with his fresh 12,000 swordsmen who all of a sudden reached in the heart of enemy’s army. When the other chiefs of king’s army saw the scene, They also pressed the enemy from left and right. In a moment, thousands of Rajputs were killed. The enemy’s army was overturned. Meanwhile the elephants, back bone of Raja’s army took a U-turn and crushed their own men. Rajputs tried their best to face the position but in vain. Gharib Nawaz’s (R.A) words were to be proved true, and they were. It was dusk when the sultan’s army dominated the enemies. A number of Raja’s including Khande Rao were killed while some other’s escaped. Rai Pithora also wanted to escape but was captured and slashed on the banks of Saraswati river. In the end Shahabuddin Ghauri immerged victorious and the hold of Muslims on northern India became stronger. Later the Rajput’s king-doms like Saraswati, Samana, Kohram and Hansi were captured without any difficulty. Then Sultan proceeded to Ajmer. Nobody challenged him but the son’s of defeated and slain Rajas welcomed him and accepted him. After reaching Ajmer, he handed over the kingdom to Prithvi Raj’s son, Kola, who took the oath of loyalty.
King Shahabudin At The Feet Of Khwaja Sahib : The evening was falling when Shahabuddin entered Ajmer. He heard Azan which made him surprised. On inquiring, people told him that some Fakir’s who had arrived a short time ago, used to call like this five times daily. The king took the direction. The Jamaat for prayers was ready. He joined it. Gharib Nawaz (R.A) was leading the Namaz. As and when the prayers were over, and the king saw Khwaja Shaib (R.A), he was very much surprised , Since he recognized the man who predicted his victory in the dream. He wanted to fall flat on the feet of Gharib Nawaz (R.A) but the Khwaja embraced the king instead. The King sobbed and wept for quite a long time. Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) blessed him and asked him to sit. When he regained, he made a request for Bayt. Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) accepted the request and made him his disciple. After staying in Ajmer for few days, Sultan Shahabuddin Muhammed Ghauri marched towards Delhi and captured it. He appointed his faithful Slave Qutubuddin Ebak, Viceroy of India and went back to Ghazni. Qutubuddin captured rest of India in a very short span of time and soon the Muslims got hold of the entire north India.

Marriage and Childrens

The childhood of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) was full of miseries and hardships. He spent his youth in search of knowledge and truth. At the age of about 50 years, when he has almost settled in Ajmer and the preaching services were on the top, he dreamt Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) who said,” O Moinuddin! You have been very active in obeying Allah’s orders but why didn’t you follow my sunnah.”. Thus , Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) made two marriages, one after another. Childrens :
1. Hazrat Khwaja Fakhrudin (R.A)
He was the eldest son of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) he was a great saint and a scholar as well, he died in Sarwar town some 40 miles away from Ajmer, his URS is celebrated on the 6th of shaban every year with great Favour.
2. Hazrat Khwaja Hissamuddin (R.A)
He was the 2nd son and was also a great saint as well, he possed the quality of salvation, he made tough excessive for self-purification at the age of 45, he disappeared from the human eyes and joined religious fraternity.
3. Hazart Khwaja Ziauddin Abu Sayeed (R.A)
He was the youngest son of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz(R.A) his mazar-e-mubarak is in the premise of the shrine.
4. Hazrat Bibi Hafiza Jamal (R.A)
She was the only daughter of Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (R.A) she was of great religious personality. she guided thousand of women to the righteous path. her mazar-e-mubarak is located just near the mazar of Huzoor Gharib Nawaz (R.A).

Sad Demise

With the beginning of 633 hijri, Gharib Nawaz (R.A) knew as it was revealed to him that it was the last year of his life. So he issued necessary instruction and prepared the will for his desipels, awarded khilafat to the eligible and also invited Khawaja Qutubudin Bhaktiyar Kaki (R.A) to Ajmer .
One day Khawaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) was sitting in the jama masjid of ajmer his close disciples were also present their. suddenly he turned toward Shaikh Ali Sangar (R.A) and asked him to write the order of the kilafat for Khawaja Qutubudin Bhakitiyar Kaki (R.A) and made him his khalifa (descendent) after this Khawaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A) handed him the Holy Quran, Carpet ,and the Sandles and then said “know you this is the trust of the holy Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W), Which has reached to me from my pir-o-murshid , I entrust this to you .after this he took the hands of Qutubudin Bhaktiyar Kaki (R.A),and looking towards the sky said
“I Have Entrusted You To Allah And Have Caused you To Reach The Place Of Honour And Respect “.
Then on 5th and 6th rajab Gharib Nawaz(R.A) entered his cell and started reciting the Quran. through out the night the voice was heard but in the morning the voice was stopped so my ansastors opened the door and saw our Gharib Nawaz (R.A) had left for heavenly abode and following words were shining on his forehead.

“He Was The Friend Of Allah And Left World For His Love For Allah”

The very same night Qutubudin Bhaktiyar Kaki (R.A) saw in the dream the holy Prophet (S.A.W) as saying

” Gharib Nawaz Is A Friend Of Allah Today I Came To Receive Him “

The news of his death spread immediately through out the city people in thousand came to his place his eldest son Khawaja Fakhruddin (R.A) leaded the namaz-e-janaza. Since then this holy astana has been the attraction of entire world and “Insha Allah” will remain till the dooms day * AMIN YA RAHIM * .

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